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Research Support Specialist

The Laboratory Technician will support research efforts of the Gamage lab by fulfilling maintenance duties as well as carrying out scientific research, in collaborative and/or independent fashion.

  • Syracuse
  • Science and Medical Research
  • Full-time
  • Opening on: May 23 2024
  • Neuroscience & Physiology
  • Research Foundation
  • Research Support Specialist, N11
  • 80680
  • N/A

Job Summary:

The research conducted in our lab focuses on investigating the neural mechanisms underlying feeding behavior. We utilize a range of cutting-edge techniques, including molecular biology, neurogenetics, behavioral analysis, and functional imaging, to investigate these mechanisms. Our goal is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the neural circuits that control feeding behavior, which may have significant implications for developing therapeutic interventions for feeding-related disorders. Responsibilities include conducting experiments, analyzing data, and preparing reports. A variety of conventional techniques will be employed. Contributors to results included in publications will be appropriately acknowledged in the published manuscripts. A high level of motivation is essential, along with good organizational and record-keeping skills.

Minimum Qualifications:

Bachelor's degree in Biology or a related field. 

Preferred Qualifications:

Candidates with one to two years of experience in handling mice or flies to perform behavioral experiments.

Work Days:

Weekdays and as needed

Message to Applicants:

Salary Range-$36,050-$40,000

Recruitment Office: Human Resources


We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.
All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, protected veteran status or disability or other protected classes under State and Federal law.

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