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Postdoctoral Associate

SUNY Research Foundation is seeking a Post Doctoral Associate.

  • Syracuse
  • Postdoctoral Associate
  • Full-time
  • Opening on: Dec 20 2023
  • Ophthalmology & Visual Science
  • Research Foundation
  • Postdoctoral Associate, E89
  • 77202
  • N/A

Job Summary:

Animal model development, design; reagent preparation, i.e., expression vectors for biomarker studies; in vivo and ex vivo functional assays of CNS vascular biology including isolation and culture of vascular mural cells; Design and analysis of experiments; preparation of presentations to lab members; attendance of lab meetings and seminars, etc.

Minimum Qualifications:

Ph.D. (or equivalent) degree in appropriate field or discipline required. Three years or more of experience in matrix biology and chemistry, particularly laminins, and their receptors and signaling mechanisms is required.

Preferred Qualifications:

Demonstrated expertise in CNS vascular biology and barrier formation is preferred. Numerous high-quality, first-authored papers in the field is a must. Demonstrated ability to work with groups of investigators is a plus.

Work Days:


Message to Applicants:

Recruitment Office: Human Resources


We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.
All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, protected veteran status or disability or other protected classes under State and Federal law.

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